Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences

- The Open Access Proceedings Series for Conferences

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  • Open Access | Article 2021-04-26 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/1/AEMPS_001

    The research on the effect on stock price of executives' selling behavior in Chinese GEM

    This paper empirically analyzes the impact of executives' reduction on stock price by taking the listed companies on Chinese GEM as research samples. The results show that the behavior of senior executives reducing their holdings will significantly reduce the stock price, and the effect changes in an inverted U-shape with the proportion of stocks reduced. Further research shows that for the companies with higher earnings per share and absolute price, the behavior of executives reducing their stock holdings will do more harm to the stock price.

  • Open Access | Article 2021-04-26 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/1/AEMPS_002

    What Happens When UN & NGOs Encounter Refugees?

    UN and NGOs are often criticized of being inertia for failing to solve or even relieve the refugee problem. However, refugee problem is dynamic and overintricate. This article reviewed the transmutation of the refugee problem, and achievements that UN and NGOs have done.

  • Open Access | Article 2021-04-26 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/1/AEMPS_003

    Organizational Culture and Workplace Communication: The Relationship of Organizational Culture and Leader-Member Exchange

    Organizational culture and the leader-member exchange (LMX) were two recognized factors that can influence the job satisfactory, working out come and even the success of a modern company. This study aims at investigating how organizational communication can influence the leader-member exchange. By deeply observation and interviewing leaders and members in a Chinese company-Smart Education Company, the study finds out that a powerful but still benevolent boss has the most impact on the exchange process. Other different cultural dimensions can influence the leader-member exchange in different ways. All kings of exchange can be influenced by organizational culture.

  • Open Access | Article 2021-04-26 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/1/AEMPS_004

    Corporate bonds pricing in China—Base on the Vasicek model and credit spread

    In this paper, we use Vasicek model to determine the pricing of corporate bonds under the risk-free interest rate, and adjust it through the credit spread to make it suitable for the pricing of corporate bonds with default risk. Furthermore, this paper tests the bond pricing model based on the bond data of three companies, and the results show that the model can well capture the bond price trend, but it is difficult to accurately capture the price fluctuation.

  • Open Access | Article 2021-04-26 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/1/AEMPS_005

    Globalization and Inequality

    From the beginning of globalization, the world was bound together, and became more and more inseparable. There was a great amount of differences around the world before globalization started, while globalization eliminated it. Although experience rises and falls, overall, both the political aspect and technological aspect keep developing, which drives the global market to become more efficient. Simultaneously, people in academia started focusing on inequality as a problem. Especially for economic inequality, including the visual gap of rich and poor and the difference of opportunity costs for different social classes, are greatly affected by globalization. However, how do the effects work and how to value the effects is the popular question without consensus. The minority, whether they think it’s a good thing or not, acknowledge that globalization reduced the social inequality among the countries but exacerbated inequality within the countries. This paper focuses on the complicated relationship between globalization and inequality by comparing and contrasting recent studies and ideologies in this area. The core problem within globalization appears to be the existence of the gap between political globalization and economic globalization. As economic globalization keeps integrating all of the countries around the world, the political globalization process is still suffocated by the national boundary lines in every country.

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